
宜興園民宿 台東民宿 庭園手工麵包民宿


以「生活」為主的經營方式,希望是一個可以長住生活的養老環境。所以自己也種蔬菜,體驗自給自足的農村生活。隨著年歲的漸長,發現人與環境的關係是越來越密切,無論是飛禽走獸還是星空夜語,不斷的都有一些生活的新發現與新感動;如同每日的日出,總是不斷的激勵與提醒生活的美好。 The theme of ESHINE is "LIFE" and aims to create a sustainable living environment. Oscar and Grammy enjoy having a self sufficient life and go to the field everyday. They discovered that human and the environment can be very close and indivisible. No matter it is as small as a bird or as large as the sky, it always gives you new discovery and feelings. One good example is that the sun rises and falls everyday reminds us life is full of love and good. 歡迎一樣懷抱著田園夢想的朋友一起到宜興園作客,體驗大自然的絕妙風光與濃醇人情。 喜歡烘培烹飪的莊姐喜歡利用當地食材與
宜興園的起源,是呂大哥(呂增興)與莊姐(莊玲宜)在1995年因為想要為以後的退休生活營造一個可以親近土地的田園生活,從一分地開始,歷經十幾年的慢慢經營而有今天的規模。 In order to have a suburban life after retirement, Oscar and Grammy established ESHINE in a small part of land in 1995. After operating with love and dream for decades, they turned ESHINE into a scale resort with large area of rural.苗栗冷凍


  1. 公司名稱宜興園民宿.台東民宿.田園民宿.農村民宿.管理此網頁
  2. 服務地址桃源村昇平路6號之1
  3. 統一編號NA
  4. 手  機0932662381
  5. 服務電話 089-561487
  6. 聯絡人呂增興